The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

Daniel Obachike Detained For Writing About MI5

Doors of PerceptionI came downstairs, opened the front door and was confronted by 4 officers from Streatham police station.
When I identified myself to them, one placed handcuffs on me and I was placed in the back of a van and taken
to a police station in south west London. At the station they read me my rights in front of the duty officer and by 10:45pm I’d suffered the indignity of being fingerprinted, photographed, DNA swabbed and shown to a cell.

By 3.30 the next day a solicitor arrived to advise me shortly before 2 detectives came. They began questioning by asking if I knew anything about the words ‘MI5 DED’ written on a door at the residence on Feb 7th 2008 then I was taken aback when told the allegation I threatened Martina the Polish girl downstairs with a knife had been made!
I knew her ahem, ‘boyfriend’ Michael made her say that, as I was downstairs in the kitchen next door when he told her to (thin walls). I’d wondered why they never had sex.

I mentioned Micheal to the detectives so he had to be investigated. I was charged with writing about MI5 signed the document and awaited 28 days for the trial. After further investigations their colleagues questioned Martina and it all came out that Michael worked for the M.O.D. This prevented him from giving evidence in court.
So the case was wiped and they asked me for the charge document back.
Meet Michael

Charged with


  1. Have you used pgp before? I suggest you should but beware of keyloggers that can compromise even the best pgp passphrases.

    • Nah, its not worth being too paranoid about keylogging, PGP and the like.
      I just update/change passwords periodically.


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