The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

4th Bomb Author Daniel Obachike Arrested

Of course, the investigating detectives found no basis to the Polish girl’s allegations. I was released after 19 hours and given a fine. I had absolutely no intention of paying it, preferring to have my day in court, then hopefully this ‘Michael’ character would be called to the stand. Then he’d have some explaining to do.

By the time I got home that evening the detectives had already visited and questioned the Polish girl (Martina). She’d blurted enough about the ‘arrangment’ with ‘Michael’ (an MOD operative who stole 2 digital drafts of my book from my room whilst posing as her boyfriend).

After 28 days I rang to ask when the court hearing would be. I was told the matter had been totally removed from the court’s files and that the charge was made
in “error”.

I intend to sue.

Not Fine

Back to Arrest Details


  1. If you have been arrested and not charged, and there is an admission of an “error” then, you should write to Sir Ian Blair, the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, and demand that your DNA samples, DNA profiles, photographs and fingerprints etc be removed from their databases.

  2. didn’t the press initially say there may have been a 5th bomber so you being arrested means squat. lindsay was jamiacan wasn’t he and you’d pass as a jamaican.

    • So you’re saying I’m a terrorist suicide bomber with no bomb whatsoever just a black face.


  1. Daniel Obachike Detained For Writing About MI5 | The 4th Bomb

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