The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

Richard Jones Lied – He Was Never On The Bus 30!

Richard Jones

Richard Jones

This is Richard Jones, the man who on BBC, CBS and FOX news said he was on the London bus blown up on 7/7. His claim that he saw an Asian suicide bomber on it just before the explosion has now been exposed as a lie.

Below Jones walks past a female Piccadilly underground bomb survivor at the exact same time he claimed he was aboard the bus 30 over a mile away. This footage conclusively proves he could never have been on the bus 30 or saw what he claimed.

This version I unearthed from Scandinavian TV while researching my book The 4th Bomb.

Thanks to M for finding this SKY version aired on the 7th July. It was edited for later airing – Jones footage begins 3:15 seconds in.


  1. Couldn’t you upload a better quality high-res version of the first clip? You could use Rapidshare or a similar service. I think that many people can’t get a good view of the bloke who’s supposed to be Richard Jones because of the video quality.

    So you’re a Brixtonite then? Nice indoor market there. Good luck with the book.

    DGSE (need to get my p/w sorted out!)

    • I dont know if that is a view of Russel Square in the video but anyway Russel Square is not over a mile away from Tavistock Square. The footage I presume is filmed after the explosion (unless Sky news and Scandanavian TV were in on it) so surley this does expose his statement as a lie – or am i missing something ?

      • Its taken at Brunswick Square between 9:20 and 9:30AM where Piccadilly line bomb survivors were evacuated to 30 minutes after the explosions at 8.51 am
        The bus 30 left Euston station at precisely 9:30AM
        I timed it myself, the walk takes 20 minutes from where Jones is filmed to reach Euston.
        It would be impossible for him to be standing here and caught the bus 30 at Euston.

  2. although it’s down for maintainence as I type.

    I looked here (top 20 on the right) and picked the highest rated one that appeared here

    It took a bit of time to figure out to use the public upload option. It has a max file size of 750MB,a 50GB/month bandwidth limit and no expiry. There might be better out there, but it’s better than Rapidshare.

    BTW I can confirm it’s my post above and not an imposter :)

  3. I can upload what ever documents you have on my to website It’s run by my ISP, costs me 5e/month and as you can see I have full DVD’s there. The problem is that there’s no neat Flash interface but I doubt that’s not as important as getting the best quality.

    So if you send me files on a DVD or something I’ll be able to upload them.

  4. The first video clip says, “Richard Jones captured in Russell Square”, but Daniel says it was Brunswick Square, can you please ascertain which one is correct, please?

    This is extremely important so that no-one ends up with egg on their face.

    • Brunswick Square was the location where the Russell Square survivors were evacuted to.
      I put Russell Square as newbies kept emailing me asking me where the hell Brunswick Square was.

      • Hello Daniel.
        Thank you for your reply and clarification.
        Brunswick doesn’t have a letter d in it, so people may have been confused by your misspelling of it, and thus asked where the hell it is. Not nit-picking or criticising, only pointing out a possible cause of their confusion.

        Hope you take my comment in the manner it was intended and are not offended by it.

        • Thanks for the spell check. It should be Brunswick Square.

  5. Hey, are you the same ‘Muad’Dib’ who made the ’7/7 Ripple Effect’ documentary?
    If so, I salute you my friend. I’ve learnt a lot from your research.

    As to Daniel, may God bless you, make things easy for you and always guide you to the truth.

    Peace out.

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