The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

Stefan Souppouris From We Are Change UK And The Hecklers

Gollum: One of the group with Stefan disrupting my talk

Gollum: One of the group with MOD man Stefan Soupporis disrupting my talk getting leary outside

This man was part of a group trying to disrupt and record my talk exposing the ulterior motives behind We Are Change UK on Tuesday June 30th 2009. He was with Stefan the M.o.D officer who fronts We Are Change who followed myself, Nick Kollerstrom, Ian R. Crane and about 25 others from Conway Hall to the rescheduled venue in Holborn.

The guy in the striped brown T-shirt announced he was WAC UK after trying to secrectly film the talk as the doorman stopped Stefan from bringing in his digital camcorder.
The two nearest the camera are ‘moody’ guys who’ve been following my protests, talks, meetings, speakers corner, etc for the last eighteen months. They tried to lead us in the wrong direction when we left Conway Hall (disruption tactics).

Hecklers and Stefan in mauve top and 2 guys talk beforehand

Hecklers and Stefan in mauve top and 2 guys talk beforehand


  1. The Cross pendant the man in the top image is wearing is a Baphomet cross worn by 33 degree freemasons like Aliester Crowley and Albert Pike (seen below).



    • Well spotted…

      I walked up to this guy and stood alongside him for a moment then suddenly he began ranting like a mad man posessed and yelled “We’re not scared of you!” at me.

  2. The guy in the above photograph (who’s eyes appear to be on the verge of popping out of his head) would appear to be part of LTA who is pictured on their website (at the bottom) here:

  3. Daniel…the guy in the grey jumper whose face you have obscured..IS undercover. Why have you obscured him? The guy with the Manchester accent.

    • He told me he’s from We Are Change Manchester. I don’t have a problem with that.

      As long as they’re real truthers & not an MOD front like London Truth Action and We Are Change UK.

  4. Daniel,
    Are you going to explain why you didn’t let anyone film?

    It does require an explanation. You previously claimed you’d have your own “camera crew” which obviously you didn’t.

    It’s pretty standard procedure for people to film public lectures yet you hired a bouncer and threw people out for trying.


    What are you trying to hide?


    • Stefan Souppouris,
      I seem to remember agreeing your colleague Dean Puckett could film my talk on Sept 3rd 2007 at the Indian YMCA on the proviso we each have a copy.
      He has refused to provide me with my copy despite numerous requests over the past 2 years.
      He also tried to stop Franky Ma from Edge Media TV interviewing me at La Shunt last year.

      This is why many people have drawn the conclusion that We Are Change UK actually support the British Government theory on 7/7 and why I laugh everytime you ask to interview me.

  5. Keep it up Daniel, nice work……..people need to know whats really happening!

  6. Ha ha!

    Mr MOD

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