The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

M.O.D Like Honey To A Bee

At The Talk In Holborn

At The Talk In Holborn


  1. Where are the posts?! What the…?! Daniel can you please email the missing posts. Did I say something I shouldn’t have, something offensive to the higher power?!
    Just to be clear I do accept that any number of glitches could have caused this to occur but those posts in particular?!

    • There’s no ‘higher power’ running this blogsite apart from yours truly.

      • I wish I shared your optimism. The comments have switched pages though, from honey to a bee to andy baker and freinds, it happened yesterday. I checked my email, they definitely moved.

  2. What happened to the dvd you were making anyway? I’ve been passing your book around.

    If anyone reading this knows where you can download a high quality version of BT 6.0 (or above) London Bombings it would be great if they could post a link, it’s the best of the 7/7 films I’m aware of but the google video one is a bit…

    Anyone who hasn’t seen it, the link is:


    According to indymedia (, people have been trying to keep this off the internets.

    People, who are not doing this allready, should really start keeping copies of some of the YouTube/google videos as they being increasingly censored (or flagged).

    • Replay media catcher does it well. Peace.