The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

Days Later: Gollum – The We Are Change UK Heckler’s Dramatic U-Turn

Gollum is the name given to one of the minions who arrived with We Are Change UK member Stefan Souppouris on June 30th 2009 in Holborn heckling and disrupting a 7/7 truth talk given by myself and Nick Kollerstrom.

Gollum: heckling 7/7 talk in Holborn 30th June 2009

Gollum: heckling 7/7 talk in Holborn 30th June 2009

Stefan, Gollum (top right) and 3 MoD guys conspiring before 7/7 talk

Stefan, Gollum (top right) and 3 MoD guys conspiring before 7/7 talk

Stung by my exposure of We Are Change U.K’s methods and motives on 30th June ‘09 in Holborn some of WAC UK’s MOD goons decided to shoot some set piece footage posing as 7/7 truthers a week later!

7 days later: Gollum with a hastily constructed 7/7 placard

7 days later: Gollum with a hastily constructed 7/7 placard


  1. What’s interesting about the WAC 7 July 2009 video on Youtube (where the still of “Gollum” is taken from is that the usual stars of the show are absent.

    Gareth is usually centre stage and although Andy does do some filming, you rightly say in other posts that he likes to come front of camera for the “money shot”, mostly when a celebrity is nearby. At the very least, he likes to get a bit aggro from behind the lens. Strange that both of them (and other WAC members who you mention on your blog) are not featured here, given the significance of the date.
    WAC aren’t afraid of a bit of web jousting but I bet you haven’t heard a squeak from Andy, Gareth or Simon on your allegations.

    Also, a 5 min film which is essentially about handing out leaflets is much less inspiring than their previous footage. I wonder why the sudden shift in tactics? Be assured that the people seen in this footage are not WAC (even if they think they are). See my earlier post for how WAC works with London Truth Action, MWH, etc., etc.
    On another note, I have no real clue about these things, but do MOD tend to go round employing thicko’s and ner’do wells? Perhaps such people are easier to dupe/lead/bribe…

    • WAC UK or London Truth Action… they are both MOD. Its just most of LTA don’t realise.
      Anyone who associates or attend meetings with any member of the WAC UK rats’ nest is in the employ or doing the bidding of the MOD. Hence the word Gollum – J R R Tolkien’s play on the hebrew word Goiiim/Goyim that means unwitting but useful fool.

      Note: WAC UK have nothing to do with WAC USA and all truly independant truth activists.

    • Well we have seen MI5’s recruiting style; blackmail and duress. So who are susceptible? Weak minded and corrupted individuals who can be press ganged into being unpaid informers. They are treated like sh*t and they behave like sh*t.

  2. That really was a quick change of heart if you ask me…! And if the M.O.D are relying on ppl like gollum to do there bidding the really have hit rock bottom…

    • Too true,
      The British MOD are simply trying to keep up appearances, many of these government goons are down trodden Sun readers. Forlorn pitiful figures.

  3. Wow. I cannot believe this amazing website.
    Thanks for exposing the evil heinous British government and their low grade operatives.

    Good luck to you.

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