The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

Firecracker Films- No Means No!

Firecracker Films, who have a long record of making “freak” programmes for Channel 5 such as The Man Whose Arms Exploded, My Penis and everyone else’s and The Real Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, persist in contacting me claiming they want me to feature in a documentary they are making exploring how rapidly Britain has become a ‘surveillance society’. Yeah right!

First I met with Alice Sharpe and James Ross two salivating sensationalising members of staff in their offices in Chelsea last month. Since then they’ve bombarded me with voicemail messages and letters. I just wasn’t interested.
I practically ran outta there when they reeled off the list of dumbed-down junk they churn out.
When their requests fell on deaf ears they drafted in a token ‘black’ female member of staff to work on the project, as if this would make a NO into a yes. No means No!!

I haven’t contacted them or responded to any of their pleas, yet they continue to forge ahead updating me on the television chief at channel 5 they approached, as if I am in agreement. No!

I’ve received enough decent offers elsewhere so who needs them.
If their skank outfit or channel so much as breathe my name or use my image to tie together their shoddy show, things will get very interesting indeed.

Rossis a good little AK-Jew name
be wary, very wary.You will be made to look like an idiot by their editing. Dont give them ANYTHING.
Freedom Fighter USA

  • Daniel,

    This the second time I am trying to post a comment. The first attempt crashed my computer. Anyway my message is that I too have been under tight surveillance for 18 months.

    When it started I was startled and frightened. At first the people following me seemed to military types, very white and out of shape.They seemed to be very interested in where I would go and with whom I met. Subsequently the ethnic diversity of individuals following me has increased and they do not care if I spot them. Their actions and behaviour is calculate and bizarre to say the least.
    Frankly it amounts to abuse and harassment and follows processes as described of ‘organised stalking’ on the internet.

    My impression is that I may have come to the authorities attention for what ever reason maybe even a denouncement, got investigated with nothing found and passed onto organised stalking groups. I have no evidence other than the video recordings I have taken of the stalking events. I surmise that these stalking networks are officially sanctioned to neutralise anyone the authorities cannot take legal action against or who are otherwise law abiding. It is also possible that, with the recent recruitment drive by MI5, recruits are being bloodied with the stalking and harassment tactics to degrade their sense of right and wrong.

    I have met several other individuals who are going through the same torments in London and many more, via the internet, who are being similarly harassed in Canada and the US.

    If it is not the case that the BNP have taken over the lunatic asylum, then I can only conclude the security services have degenerated into amoral psychopaths. You might like to know that those I have met are predominantly none British Europeans, ethnic minorities and the occasional English person that happens to have an alternative life style. I suppose in the minds of racist authorities, we are disposable in the interests of the realm.


  • Sounds precisely like their tactics Daniel. Why not go along with it for while, find out all the dodgy pracises they employ, then expose them.
    They have many operatives doing these hit pieces. Danny Wallace did a “documentary” a while back about hidden powers in the world – complete piss take of a very serious issue affecting us all.
    Respect to you man. Keep it up.

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