The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

Daniel Spake

I’ve decided to use this, the 7th anniversary since the ‘War On Terror’ was declared to begin to draw a line under this blog as I start on a different course.
I achieved something far greater by utilising my thoughts, words and inherant beliefs but in contrast to academics, researchers and speakers I followed up what knowledge I had with action, after all… knowledge amounts to nothing unless it’s acted upon.
So what separates me from a pontificater? I’d put it down to faith. The ability to ACT requires faith, as faith produces unimaginable results. These results went world wide via the Internet. It proved unstoppable as the British Intelligence agencies found.

I thank the contributors, researchers, youtubers, bloggers, radio hosts, truth-seekers and well-wishers who helped with their opinions, suggestions and questions along the way. We are all Oneness, even the nefarious British Intelligence murderers and surveillance officers played their part. And in recognition of their contribution I’m starting a blog called .
It will be an online catalogue of M.O.D/MI5 activities against members of the public. No doubt in time it’s volume may reach Germany 1933-45 proportions if the current eradication of individual freedoms is a pre-cursor of what is to come.

So for now I’ll leave you with the latest 50p coin redesigned in 2007. Gone is Britannia with her devil’s fork () in one hand and olive branch in the other, replaced by an emblem covering the globe, but heed the stark message it bears at the bottom.

Regards & blessings
Daniel Obachike

The “stark message” being the motto of the Scounting Movement, as is the emblem. 2007 was it’s centenary, hence the limited-issue comemorative coin.

  • Nows thats a coincidence isn’t it, Nick?

    Just like the coincidences on 7:7.
    i.e No CCTV’s working, dodgy train times, ‘outright terror bold and brilliant’ on the side of the bus, The explosives company van, Peter Powers terror drills at the exact same 4 locations, etc, etc.

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