The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

Andy Baker And Friends (M.O.D)

Andy Baker Outside The Bank Of England

Andy Baker Outside The Bank Of England

Taken on April 1st 2009. Andy Bakers wearing dark shades, doing a vox pop for the website outside the Bank of England at approx 16:30hrs (just before the ‘kettling’ began). If there’s footage of him or Gareth Newnham being kettled like most of the unsuspecting peaceful protesters that day, I’d like to see it. The chinese guy in the blue checked top is an M.O.D photographer. He covered the Stop the War protests and their meeting at Friend’s House Euston. He was also busily snapping people outside the Jean charles de Menezes Inquiry last year. I’m not suprised to see Andy Baker and him have a good understanding.
Gareth Newnham and the posse circa '07

Gareth Newnham and the posse circa '07


  1. Why is the comment box gone from the MOD/WeAreChangeUK post? Not suggesting anything. I was trying to ask the WeAreChangeUK guy wgether they were “undercover” at the BoE demo, since noone I asked knew they were there; they didn’t leave much of an impression.

    • I see the We Are Change M.O.D guys at most London protests, Stop the War, Gaza/BBC protest, April 1st, Mayday, etc.
      According to one comment 90% of the people at the Mayday march attended because of We Are Change UK… and were dancing to the sounds of We Are Change apparently. (Not verified)

      • This is getting pretty confusing really, I went to a lot of the Gaza demos and Mayday, most of them not big, does WeAreChange UK keep a low profile? Where’re the signs, leaflets, etc? People went to the demo at the BoE because of the Space Hijackers – who called/publicised it. Is WeAreChangeUK taking credit for actions they weren’t involved in or are PsyOp people trying to confuse/mislead us into thinking this or is WeAre\ChangeUK just a bunch of legitimately ineffectual art students? Someone really needs to sort this out.

        • We Are Change UK have NEVER once called for, or mobilised mass protest. All they do is show up in small groups at protests taking pictures for their own publicity. Their real focus is leading/controlling the UK Truth activist movement. They do this by inviting credible speaker’s to the UK and being seen to publicly attack high profile figures, i.e Peter Power or Ex-MI6 officials.

      • Daniel i met you a while ago on the troops out now march in london. i would like to say that i have just finnished reading through your book. it was great, and im so glad you sighned it for me. im in manchester at the moment trying to start up my own truth action group. i know andy and some others from wearechange as i was with them during the troops out now march in there any way i could ask you a couple of questions please, could you email me please at many thanks richard

        • By all means spread the truth but don’t slavishly follow We are Change U.K like a celeb struck fan of their video appearances at protests and staged heckling of prominent figures. The most effective activists operate as small cell’s reliant on as few ppl as possible : ) and are done on a shoestring budget. Its all about passion! I’ve been contacted by a number of people inside We Are Change who’ve expressed doubts about Andy Baker’s commitment and Gareth’s maniacal grip on the organisation’s direction. I chuckled as I’d known for quite some time. I went up to Gareth Newnham at a Gaza protest last year and confronted him with it before posting it online. His silence since I posted pictorial proof on facebook speaks volumes.

      • Daniel
        check out this link.
        I’ve seen you on the Alex Jones Show and I keep upto date with how the game is playing out.
        Please keep in contact with Alex and I am sure you need to be back on the show

        • Thanks for the link… Certainly, I’m beginning to keep more of an eye on the U.S, as that’s where the most concerning crisis’s are to be enacted.

  2. As I see it, this all centres onthe (seemingly unresolvable) contradictions surrounding WeAreChangeUK (WeAreChange London). They are relatively unknown yet they apparently maintain a presence at numerable major demonstrations both small and large and are able to mount demonstrations normally the reserve of greanpece – the crane banner by parliament – yet received/sought no name recognition. They clearly have considerable skills in web design and they offer no forum and make no attempt to organise demonstrations, instead piggy-backing on others’ while not clearly distinguishing themselves from the original protest group. Instead they launch, very impressive, spectacular attack journalism and demonstrative citizens arrest attempts in an organised assault on prominent (or relevent) political figures. Whether or not it is possible to engage in protests of this nature without “authorisation” of some kind, without being at least subjected to terror legislation, I don’t know. I just find it odd that they have made no real attempt to foster a mass movement in the UK or, at the very least, play a greater (more visible) role. I simply ask of them this, if WeAreChangeUK was being run in the interests of Her Majesties Government, would it behave differently? I don’t think it would.

  3. Daniel, why are you deleting all my posts?

    • Mohsin Drabu of We Are Change UK has been banned for his unhealthy obsession with this blog.
      I reiterate… We Are Change UK Are M.O.D. No amount of haranging and arguing can change that.
      All I’ve done is say publicly what some have known and many have suspected for some time.

      • What evidence is there for this?

        If you have evidence of this why don’t you share it?

        If you don’t, why are you saying this?

        • 1. Loads of evidence.
          2. Because I am not a grass.

      • Unhealthy obsession?

        If “Mohsin” was a member of We Are Change, isn’t it rather natural that he would ask for evidence to back up your claims? Nothing remotely “unhealthy” about that, unless you consider rationality and logic to be some king of disease.

        What I find rather unhealthy is your continuing instistence that all sorts of people are ‘MOD’ and ‘MI5′ without providing any kind of evidence in support. This is just odd.

        Daniel, you have been asked this over and over again and so far dodged every opportunity to give an answer:

        Why is it you think these people are MOD? What evidence do you have? Why should we take this at all seriously?

        You seem oblivious to the fact that the very least that is required if you are going to accuse activists of being agents is to provide some kind of evidence. Normally what would be expected would be proof.

        You have given neither and are now banning people who ask you to do so from posting comments on your blog.

        What is your game?


        • If a man stands alongside the British army and fights, we assume he is fighting FOR the British army.

          Mohsin bellowed 911 protest slogans from a loudspeaker alongside We Are Change UK at the 08 protest outside parliament (It was on Youtube for Gods Sake), yet youre telling me Mohsin has nothing to do with We Are Change UK??
          Why do I get the impression you are rapidly putting distance between We Are Change UK, Andy ‘B’ M.O.D, Toseef and Gareth Newnham all of a sudden?

  4. Yes, but Daniel, all you have done is reiterate. No one is haranguing or arguing, they are just asking you for 1 PIECE OF EVIDENCE for any of your claims. JUST ONE!

    Are you going to provide?

    • There is tons of evidence. Are you asking me to reveal sources to you??

  5. Daniel, I’m not disputing anything because I don’t know.

    I am saying that if “Mohsin” who was posting here is a member of We Are Change, then why would it be unhealthy for him to be asking you for evidence for your claims?

    Is it unhealthy for someone to defend their name? To me it seems pretty natural.

    Infact, I have just looked up Mohsin on youtube and confirmed he IS a member of We Are Change.

    So why have you banned him?

    Why do you describe someone defending the name of their group as “unhealthy” and reason to ban them?

    All he was asking for is evidence behind your claims, I think a lot of others, myself included, would like to see that as well.

    “Reveal your sources?” What are you talking about? I’m asking a single reason why anyone with working cognitive faculties should believe your accusations.

    If it is from a “secret source” then tell us that it is, and explain why you can’t tell us who it is.

    Then we can ponder what “secret source” does not even know the names of half the people you accuse.

    • Eduardo,
      Thanks for returning to the land of logic and belatedly accepting Mohsin (Voice of We Are Change UK) is a We Are Change UK member. I was beginning to think Andy Baker’s M.O.D exposure meant he was being left on his own by you guys. He might have begun to feel like he was back in rehab or something.

  6. Another person getting his posts deleted. FFS… Come on Daniel, if there is a ton of evidence, do we get to see an ounce?

    • whoops, my bad, didnt see my post still “awaiting moderation”…

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