The 4th Bomb

The Book That Shook MI5

1 Million Rebellious Britons!


While British politics is being revealed for the Brown-Cameron slapfest it truly is I took a look at the website.

Sleeping lions have been roused into action by the collapse of the money markets propelling the nation towards the abyss called the EU. They come across as a natural replacement for UKIP and would gain ground in times like this. A change of constitution is their stated aim (fine by me) but lawful rebelliousness sounds a bit like righteous anger to me, only less capable of avoiding the many traps the government has laid since 2004.
So while my brain attempts to reconcile the goal of real British sovereignty with a glove puppet monarch at its head I shall attend their meeting hoping to be enlightened. One thing the ‘good ole’ UKIP got right was the name. United Kingdom refers specifically, wheras Brit-ish may refer to people who had origins in bits of Germany, parts of France, even as far afield as the hanging gardens of Babylon if some are to be believed.

  • Correct me if I’m wrong but their aims are similar.

  • 1-Stay out of the EU
  • 2-Take back control of our country.

Country primarily refers to a single land mass defined by its borders, wheras a nation refers to the peoples thereon. I can see this is going to get complicated so I think I’ll attend on to try and get a better idea.


  1. Daniel, I think we all deserve an explanation as to where and why the “MOD honey to a bee” thread has gone, and why the guy who disagreed with me was apparently censored. I know that some of the threads’ addresses got muddled but if that’s what was responsible you should really make it clear.
    Are you having trouble with your website or are you actively stifling debate?
    Could you please restore the page and Mohsin’s post?

    • Don’t worry, was doing some house keeping a few posts got mangled. They will be restored from back-up soon.

      • Good. That guy was clearly not pleased and rightly so. I also don’t like the appearance of my posts being defended from challenge in an unseemly way. I feel I am more than adequately equipped to defend my own possitions, myself.

        For those who haven’t seen it, bt 6.0 london bombings, which I linked to in the missing thread is here:


        Anyone know of a later or higher quality version? or anywhere a high quality version can be got.

        And again in support of daniel’s suggestions about WeAreChenge UK/London, why aren’t they handing this out, or something like it? 7/7 should really be their focus since they are British not American. 9/11 did not occur on sovereign British territory and is allready more than adequately questioned by Americans, surely a pressure group, which like it or not is what WeAreChangeUK is, should focus on influencing those with power, ie. British citizens, NGOs, parties, Government etc. who have no jurisdiction over NYC. I hate to say it but, Mi5 or no Mi5, their current level of action is bordering on mutual masterbation.

  2. Anyway you didn’t answer my question, what happened to the DVD you were making?

  3. I’m really glad you brought this up daniel, I only heard about this recently. Everyone who can should go to the meeting of The British Constitution Group, after all it is the absence of a codified constitution that enables our elected representatives to hand over our sovereignty without our assent. Not to mention take our rights dating back to Magna Carta…
    Don’t like the Lisbon Treaty, support a constitution; it is really that simple. UKIP are the only party who seek to offer us a choice, all their other views, as those of the other parties, are irrelevant to the elections coming up.
    MEPs aren’t really powerful in other respects anyway. So STOP LISBON! VOTE UKIP! Give them a tenner, do something. Lets face it, it would be cheaper than flying to Ireland to beg the Irish to save us.

    People who don’t understand what’s wrong with the Treaty of Lisbon, READ IT!

    • DVD… waste of time, there are enough here and on Facebook, confusing rather than clarifying.
      Have you ever thought of starting a blog??

      • Oh, I’m just getting started my freind. Shame about your DVD though, I’d been looking forward to it for a while now. For the record I disagree, there are nowhere near enough comprehensive films out there on 7/7. I’m sure you’re busy enough allready anyway.

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